7 Ways to Spice up your Christmas Lighting
7 ways to spice up your Christmas lightingIt’s that time of year again. The Christmas lights have already been switched on by a local celebrity, and the shops are gearing up for the annual shopping stampede. Meanwhile, in attics and garages around the country, there hides a box or bin liner that hasn’t been seen since January.Yes, it’s the Christmas decorations.We all have our family traditions when it comes to Christmas, and quite often they involve well-loved but rather battered decorations –
9th Dec 2014
The world’s Craziest Christmas lights
The world’s Craziest Christmas lightsAs the festive season rolls nearer by the day, you may be idly wondering where you put your Christmas lights. To cheer you up while you try and find them, and then while you attempt the annual untangling, we thought we’d show you some of the world’s most crackers Christmas lights.Now, we ought to warn you… If you prefer the minimalist yuletide approach, look away now. This collection of Christmas luminaire excess is not for you. But if you’re a bauble enthusi
1st Dec 2014